Win Percentage Calculator

About Win Percentage

Win percentage is a statistical measure that represents the proportion of games or matches won out of the total number played. It's commonly used in sports and competitive games to evaluate performance.

Calculation Method

  • Basic Formula: Win Percentage = (Wins / Total Games) × 100%
  • Formula with Ties: Win Percentage = (Wins + (Ties × 0.5)) / Total Games × 100%
  • Win-Loss Ratio: Wins ÷ Losses


Sports Analytics

Win percentage is crucial in sports like baseball, basketball, football, and hockey for evaluating team performance over a season or career.

Gaming Statistics

In competitive gaming, win rate helps players track their performance and improvement over time.

Gambling and Betting

Bettors use win percentages to analyze teams or players before placing wagers.

Business Applications

Sales teams may track win percentages for deals closed versus opportunities pursued.

Interpreting Win Percentage

Excellent: 70-100%

Good: 55-70%

Average: 45-55%

Below Average: 30-45%

Poor: 0-30%


Context matters when interpreting win percentages. A 60% win rate might be excellent in some leagues but average in others.

Sample size is important. Win percentages based on few games may not accurately reflect true performance.

Strength of schedule affects win percentages. Teams facing tougher opponents may have lower percentages despite being highly skilled.

Historical Context

In professional sports, win percentages allow for historical comparisons across different eras and leagues. They help identify dominant teams and dynasties throughout sports history.

Notable Win Percentages

The 1995-96 Chicago Bulls (NBA) achieved a 72-10 record for an 87.8% win percentage.

The 2007 New England Patriots (NFL) went 16-0 in the regular season for a 100% win percentage.

The 2001 Seattle Mariners (MLB) tied the record with 116 wins for a 71.6% win percentage.